RLGL Results: Round 2 Complete, New Racers may enter at any time

Snoop says, RED LIGHT. All Round 2 entries submitted before May 20, 11:59PM CST deadline have been judged.

NEW RACERS: Visit this post for full details on how this game is played.

CURRENT RACERS: If you do not see a judgment for your entry, it is probably because Snoop’s records show you missed the deadline. Your page will be judged in the next Round.

If you believe an error was made and you turned in your page on time (before May 20, 11:59PM CST), please forward your submission to sub AT cynthealiu DOT com and explain the situation.

An asterisk next to your X means Snoop is just looking for reasons to eat your work. Be sure to tighten your pages!

Number Type Send in next 250 words Back to start – Rd2
1 YA
2 PB X
4 PB X
6 YA X
8 YA X*
9 YA
10 MG
12 MG
14 PB
16 MG X
18 YA
23 MG X
24 YA
25 MG X
26 PB X
27 MG X*
29 YA
31 YA X
32 PB
33 PB X*
36 YA X
40 CB X
42 MG X
44 MG X
47 MG X*
48 PB X
49 YA X*
51 PB X
52 MG X*
55 PB X*
57 MG X
58 YA X
59 MG
60 PB X
61 MG
62 YA X
63 YA X
64 YA X*
65 PB X
66 PB X
67 MG X
68 MG X
70 MG
72 MG
76 PB X
77 YA X
85 MG X
86 MG X
87 MG X
88 MG X*
91 MG X*
93 YA X*
94 ER X
95 YA
96 YA X
97 CB X*
98 YA X
99 MG X*
102 MG X
103 YA X
106 PB X*
107 PB X
108 PB X
109 PB X
110 PB X
111 MG X
112 MG X
113 PB X
114 PB X
115 PB X
116 YA X*
117 MG X*
118 MG X*
119 PB X
120 MG X*
121 PB X
122 PB X
123 MG X
124 CB X


The deadline for Round 3 is Sunday May 23, 11:59PM CST.  If you passed, you may go ahead and send in your next page. If you did not, you may try another work. Please do not title NEW entries with old entry numbers.  You will get a new number when Snoop begins judging for Round 3. Thanks!

12 thoughts on “RLGL Results: Round 2 Complete, New Racers may enter at any time

  1. When will you send out the numbers for the one’s who had to start over. Just curious.

    Thanks for doing this. You have a big heart!

  2. So once you’ve been labeled with an asterisk, is there any way to get back to an unstarred state? Or are you just circling the drain at that point? ;->

    1. Yes, you can totally redeem yourself, even if your work is circling down the drain. LOL! I think it’s already happened to a couple of people. Going from Starred to Unstarred.

      In some cases though, the STAR is difficult to remove because Snoop is wondering if the premise itself is strong enough.

      So do what you can do, but don’t mess up your book because of worry over what the asterisk may mean. Just don’t miss the obvious stuff. Read each page for its ability to engage your reader!

  3. I’m not sure if my emails are getting eaten by a spam filter. I sent in my round two page before the deadline Thursday but didn’t receive an X. Last night, I forwarded the submission from my sent box to show I’d met the deadline, but I haven’t heard anything. Not sure what to do…

    1. Hmm…. I am getting your emails but you aren’t receiving mine for some reason. Check your spam box to make sure there aren’t emails from me in there. At any rate, your # was 27.

  4. Au contraire! Snoop loves them! The problem is so many picture books that come in are written like short stories or have premises that don’t feel strong enough to carry a picture book. With a novel or longer work, sometimes it takes a bit longer to decipher if the work is worth reading.

    With picture books, the first 125 words is often more than a 1/5 of the entire work (or should be around that much), so don’t be surprised if more go down within the first couple of pages.

    Racers: do check out our article on revising picture books if you have not already. There are hints about what Snoop looks for in a PB manuscript before he eats them. Thanks!


  5. I may have inadvertently fed Snoop. I sent my next 250 (page 3) when I saw the X under that column, but I believe it was prior to the round being completed. Should I re-send it?

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