RLGL Results: Round 3 Complete, New Racers may enter at any time

Snoop says, RED LIGHT. All Round 3 entries submitted before May 23, 11:59PM CST deadline have been judged.

NEW RACERS: Visit this post for full details on how this game is played.

CURRENT RACERS: If you do not see a judgment for your entry, it is probably because Snoop’s records show you missed the last  deadline. Your page will be judged in the next round.

If you believe an error was made and you turned in your page on time (before May 23, 11:59PM CST), please forward your submission to sub AT cynthealiu DOT com and explain the situation.

An asterisk next to your X means Snoop is just looking for reasons to eat your work. Tighten your pages!

Number Type Send in next 250 words Back to start – Rd3
1 YA X
2 PB X
4 PB X*
6 YA X*
8 YA X*
9 YA X*
10 MG
12 MG X*
14 PB X
16 MG X*
18 YA X*
23 MG X
24 YA X
25 MG X*
27 MG X*
29 YA
31 YA X*
32 PB
33 PB
36 YA X
40 CB X
42 MG X
44 MG X*
47 MG X*
49 YA X*
52 MG X*
55 PB
57 MG X*
59 MG X*
60 PB X
61 MG X
64 YA X
67 MG
70 MG X*
72 MG X
85 MG X
87 MG X*
88 MG X*
91 MG
93 YA X
95 YA
97 CB X*
98 YA X
99 MG X*
102 MG X
106 PB
111 MG X
116 YA X*
117 MG X
118 MG X*
120 MG X*
123 MG X*
125 PB X*
126 PB X
127 CB X
128 YA X*
129 YA X
130 MG X*
131 PB X
132 PB X
133 PB X
134 YA X*
135 MG X
136 PB X
137 PB X*
138 MG X*
139 YA X
140 YA X
141 PB X
142 PB X
143 MG X*
144 YA X*
145 CB X*
146 CB x
147 PB X
148 YA X
149 YA X*
150 PB X
152 PB X
170 CB X*

If you do not see your number listed here, it means 1) Snoop may have eliminated your entry in previous rounds. Check other rounds to see if this is true. 2) Snoop may have replied to you but his email landed in your SPAM box. Check there for an email from us first before contacting him.  3) Snoop may have messed up.  Kindly re-forward your entry to sub AT cynthealiu DOT com and explain the situation.  Finally, if you believe Snoop is not receiving any of your emails, you may leave a comment below and Snoop can reply there.


The deadline for Round 4 is Monday, May 24, 11:59PM CST.  If you passed, you may go ahead and send in your next 250 words. If you did not, you may try another work. Please do not title NEW entries with old entry numbers.  You will get a new number when Snoop begins judging for Round 4. Thanks!

3 thoughts on “RLGL Results: Round 3 Complete, New Racers may enter at any time

  1. I was waiting for a new entry number after the round 3 judging. My original number is on the round 3 list, but I never got an email with a new entry number to dubmit to round 4. Nothing in spam either. What happened?

  2. Hi Kay, your number stays the same until it is eliminated. Each manuscript only gets assigned one entry number. Whenever you enter a NEW manuscript, you get a new entry #.

    In round 3, your entry was NOT eliminated.

    Please let me know if Snoop and I are missing something here. We’re a bit confused by what you mean.

  3. Thanks for getting back to me. I wish I had seen this sooner . You and Snoop are not confused. It’s me. This is my first time playing RL/GL. Next time, I’ll know better. Please give Snoop a hug for being so sweet.

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