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10 thoughts on “RLGL Round 6 Results COMPLETE, Round 7 deadline, 11:59PM CST April 8, 2014

  1. Kissy have some more bacon and tummy scratches. You’re doing so much for all of us. Thank you for your insightful comments. Don’t worry about snail’s pace, we can get out the skillet and make you some escargot. 😉

    Seriously, thank you Cynthea. You don’t have to do this at all and the fact that you do is great. Appreciate all your hard work and giving back to other writers.

  2. Hi Kissy and Cynthea,

    At the risk of duplicating myself, I did comment before but it seems not to have posted. And I feel this needs saying.

    Bacon and belly scratches to you Kissy. Thank you for wearing out your paws for us.

    Thank you Cynthea for all your constructive criticism. Thank you for slogging through hundreds of pages. And if it’s a snails pace. Who cares? Let us all eat escargot and enjoy!


  3. Please thank Kissy for taking his time and reading our entries carefully. He deserves an extra strip of bacon for all of his hard work!

  4. Kissy has got to be getting tired and hungry. Reading and critiquing always gives me the munchies. Sending her some canine cookies to get her through this round! Thanks for your hard work, Kissy!

  5. Hi guys!!i don’t want to bother Kissy . How did you recurve your number? Does it come via email? Is it on this sight somewhere and I, m missing it? Thanks so much

  6. I know Kissy is busy reading… slips him a bacon blue cheese burger and walks quietly away. Pups needs to keep up his strength!

  7. Mmm…don’t see my submission for Round 6. Sent it on March 25, according to my records. Not sure what happened. I’ll resend for Round 7. Thank you so much!

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