RLGL: Round 2 COMPLETE, Round 3 deadline Wed. Mar. 12, 8pm CST

NEW ENTRANTS: Wanna play? Read the rules here. You may enter at any time.

EVERYONE: Round 3 officially closes on Wednesday, March 12, 8pm CST. Submissions received after this deadline will roll into Round 4.

UPDATE: We have two Free-tique winners! Winners, do not contact Kissy until RLGL is completely over. We will let you know what to do when we come up for air. PB entries are no longer eligible to win a free-tique, however, an agent referral is always a possibility if Kissy sniffs out something he think might interest Jen. You may still continue to enter PB manuscripts while RLGL continues and receive feedback. 

There was a very large number of entries in Round 2. Kissy’s paws are pooped from all the typing. You may have noticed all the typos in his notes. His bright and happy eyes have become squinty little furry slits. His mood is worsening, and he fears he may be morphing into an actual human slush-pile editor. If you want to keep his spirits up, please be sure to follow the rules when it comes to subject lines, email addresses, word counts, etc.  Also, more virtual bacon helps. He has been enjoying all the bellyrubs and scritches behind the ears, too.

If you are submitting the successive page in the work  (e.g. P2, P3, etc.), please make sure you include the entry # assigned to that work in the subject line (see rules). Failure to do so will delay your results and cause your work to miss rounds.

Do not send submissions  for Kissy’s review to Cynthea’s email address, unless you are inquiring about an issue. The sub address listed in the rules is the ONLY email address for submissions to RLGL for Kissy’s review. If you fail to send it there, it will not get reviewed in the correct order for the round. In fact, you will probably miss the round if it does not make it to that address in time for the deadlines. *Please use Cynthea’s email address only for follow-ups if you believe something went wrong with your submission and you did, in fact, follow the rules! *

You do NOT need to include previous text with your pages. Kissy has a great memory and this slows him down when trying to find his place. And we don’t want to slow this pup down!

If you receive a number for Round 2,  please wait for results to post and wait until they are COMPLETE before inquiring about it. This helps us a lot!

#             Format      Back to Start  Next page       Notes

0 MG X Not bad. Be careful of painting bullies as stereotypical bullies. I don’t want to feel like I’ve seen this before.
1 MG X* This isn’t a super engaging opening but so far we can understand what’s happening on the page, which says a lot. We hope something interesting is going to take place or be presented in this next page.
2 YA X Unfortunately, I couldn’t quite follow what was happening because of the way the story navigates from past to present, etc. Awkward. Streamline the telling
3 PB X Not feeling captivated by this one. The story feels like a folktale (not a bad thing), but the length and the content makes this one difficult to place in the major trade market.
4 YA X* Not understanding what the setup is – why the MC is in the predicament she is in. It’s a bit too mysterious. The pooch will give it another page, but hanging by a piece of stringy bacon here.
5 MG X Unclear here what is going on. Slow down and explain better what the parents do for a living and what it has to do with the mystical references.
6 PB X This read like a punchline in the end. Go for a concept with more heart/substance. More marketing value (e.g. emotional value, social value and/or educational value.)
7 PB X This is a lot of fun but I wondered if this could be even better if you made this an early reader and changed up the characters to animals, just to make this way more marketable. This is a bit dialogue-y for a picture book and somewhat complex as well, but for an older reader as a ;eveled reader, it could be a good fit.
9 MG X
10 PB X in the end, this feels too complex and wordy for a PB text. Cut back on the chatter and narrate only the important parts.
11 PB X* So this is turning out to be something a little bit different. But be mindful of overdoing the puns. It gets distracting and sounds like noise after a while. Choose your moments.  Curious to see what happens next
12 PB
13 YA X Unfortunately, it was hard to believe that after  something this tragic has happened, the main character shows no sign of it. Motivate her thoughts better or explain why she’s not completely messed up. The MC’s thoughts just seems too put together, given the situation
16 PB
22 PB X Unfortunately, this ends with little effort from the MC. The ending felt very pat. Also the story arc was a bit too flat as well.
24 PB X* This still reads a bit older for the audience. Simplify the text. Shortening it in general and making it snappier with the voice of a younger child will really help. It’s very cute.
26 MG X This page was a bit hard to follow, wasn’t sure what was going on and why. Also, in the end, we just weren’t drawn in by the species themselves and what they may be trying to accomplish, since that wasn’t super clear.
27 PB X
28 PB X FREE-TIQUE WINNER!  I think this has potential. Let’s think about ways to make this even more worthy and rejection-proof.  CONGRATS!
30 YA X Wondering if the present tense for this book is a bit awkward.
35 PB X The nunber of puns in this one is a bit too much. It’s reading unnaturally and getting bogged down by them. Gain more control over the humor.
38 YA X* This is overwritten in spots. Don’t try too hard for simple details that are not critical. Diffuses the reader’s focus. Kissy is this close to giving this the paw because 1/4 of the time he didn’t understand what the MC was talking about and how to picture it in his canine head.
39 YA X The character is really a bit too down on herself, which makes her less appealing to read about.  This is an easy fix though – establish her character in fewer lines and move on to the actual plotting. The pace is already flagging because there’s so much repetition of the same idea about the character and how she views herself.
40 YA
41 PB X In the end this was just too long for a picture book and it seemed too similar to the movie about similar topic.
42 YA
43 ER X* Now we can kind of see how this could be an ER. But this needs to read more like an ER, with more attention to word choice, sentnece structure, etc. Let’s see what happens
44 YA X Kissy is scratching his head over here. There’s not enough context to understand what is motivating the character’s thoughts and actions so in the end the pup was just plain lost as to what she was doing and why.
45 MG X Nice save! Is this a real thing though? Specify state.
50 PB
52 PB X In the end, the style was very wordy for a picture book. Might be totally fine for a short story, but it’s really imporant to leave room for the illustrator. Also this felt every-dayish as well and perhaps not enough to carry a picture book as written.
54 PB X Feels a bit too literal? But curious to see how this ends
55 YA X This opening scene doesn’t feel distintive enough. What’s unique about the MC’s situation that feels different than typical bullying scenarios.
56 MG
57 MG X* Can we make this sound more mysterious? She’s acting as though she hasn’t found the coolest thing ever! Is she really into what’s happening or not? She seems so casual about it.
58 PB X We’ve seen this cumulative story structure done many times, so it’s imperative that you build a story arc with each sequence. As it stands, the only thing that feels truly unique about this cumulative PB is the kind of animals used, but let’s get some real plot going with this cumulative structure and see what you can do with it.
59 MG
61 PB X Unfortunately, we weren’t captivated. While the humor is nice, the species of animal and what was at stake just didn’t feel compelling enough.
62 YA X* We’ll hang on and see what this is leading up to…
63 YA
65 MG X Unclear why the MC feels things have changed significantly for herself (old versus new). Establish
66 MG
68 YA X Unfortunately, it was just too hard to understand what was going on and why. So much was left unanswered as the character went about her business. Should be easy to fix though. Story seems intriguing if the pup only knew what was going on.
69 PB X This feels more like a poem, than a picture book in verse. Hmm.. What’s the story?
70 PB X In the end, this just felt too complicated for a PB text. We got lost in the story and it’s point after all this text.
72 MG
76 YA X* This is a bit confusing. The character’s background and what is motivating the character right now to do what he’s doing? We need more context or you will lose us entirely.
77 MG
80 MG X Chapter 1 feels more like a scene than a true chapter and then it switches abruptly to backstory in Chapter two. I would smooth this out. Very jarring. Set-up the present story a bit more before you go back in time, if it’s even necessary to do it this way.
81 PB X This is an interesting idea, but it’s just too wordy as a picture book for this pooch. See how you cut this down to half its size. We do like the concept though.
85 MG X* Explain this contest a little better? Still don’t fully understand what/why it’s so important to the town
87 PB X Unfortunately, this premise felt a bit too odd for kissy’s taste. But points for originality. We just wished we felt pulled in more.  What if you thought about bringing actual children into this story and telling it from their POV. Show us why we should care so the reader can connect better. This could have  Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs-classic feel to it. But we’re missing the kid element.
90 CB X Let’s see where this goes …
91 MG X The same idea is repeated several times in these opening pages. Progress the story forward without too much hashing and rehashing. Easy fix
92 YA X* She seems a bit too self aware after what she just experienced the night before. That’s some pretty hard stuff and she’s so clearheaded about it. Hmm.
93 YA X This felt a bit too melodramatic. Scale back. This might work well for TV, but in books, usually you’ve got to tone it back a notch because it almost always reads way more dramatic in someone’s head than how it looks when seen on TV. Don’t ask the pooch why that is.  Weird human psychology
96 YA X* Be sure to set the characters early on. Can’t tell where they are really. Hoping something interesting takes place or this one’s getting the paw.
97 MG X* I’d shorten the monologue and get on with it.
98 PB X In the end, this was just too long and every-dayish for a PB text. Reads more like a short story.
99 PB X While this is cute, the text felt too wordy and long, given that it’s a picture book. Also, it’s not clear why this matters so much to the MC.
100 PB X The subject matter seems great. However the writing is very short-story like, which can be hard for picture books. Really see if you can cut this in half and add more spark to the writing. Not everything has to be on the page; it also slows your pacing.
104 PB X This didn’t feel fully developed. It lacked conflict and as a result, the ending came abruptly and was resolved with little effort.
105 PB
106 PB X This has got lots of potential in terms of educational value but what about entertainment value? After a while it gets really repetitive. Build a story arc with this concept using some key animals that all do this activity, and this could be a real winner! Make the story go somewhere, versus repeat itself a bit too much
107 MG X Still have no idea what’s going through this kid’s mind and what he plans to do. Let me inside his head a bit more so we’re not lost as to what this story may be about.
109 PB FREE-TIQUE WINNER!  I think this has potential. Let’s think about ways to make this even more worthy and rejection-proof.  CONGRATS!
112 YA
116 YA
119 MG X* Still not sure what’s going on. Hmm, better find out quick. Also, watch one of the character’s actions. Flipping the bird in MG is a bit much. Not really necessary and a turn-off for school/library market.
121 YA X* Kind of a slow start, pacing might be slow in this one. Let’s see…


125 YA X* Kissy is so close to giving this the paw. Watch for overwriting. We got lost in this paragraph trying to remember what “it” was referring to in each sentence and wondering if there was a cleare, more straightforward way to say the same thing. It sounds like what we are talking about is a straight-up natural phenomenon. But as written it sounds much more complicated than necessary, for the sake of writing.
126 PB X While we are not creative nonfiction experts, we feel there may have been too many liberties taken with the actual person’s life in some of the stanzas. However certain parts of this seem workable, when it comes to education value.
127 PB X Could not connect with the premise. Story feels slight? Can’t really tell what this is about exactly and why it might be important. In this many words, it should be a bit more evident by now.
128 MG X* This opening line feels forced, especially when reading what follows. I’d rework these opening lines. But let’s see what happens next.
129 YA X* Beginning the opening for this long in 2nd person feels a bit awkward, but let’s see where this goes.
130 PB X Could not connect with the premise. And holiday picture books can be tough so they really have to stand out as being truly about the holiday, or you might want to reconsider the execution altogether if the theme strays too far from  this holiday’s traditions.
131 PB X This is such an odd premise that the pooch didn’t quite know what to do about it, except to give it the paw. While fun to picture, what exactly is this story about and why does it matter?
132 PB X Unfortunately, this is another manuscript that feels like an everyday kind of story. It seems like it would make a fine short story for other markets, but we wonder if the idea can carry a picture book for the major trade market.  It also feels like it might be too long and wordy for a typical contemporary picture book.
133 PB X This is another picture book idea that takes everyday life and sprinkles a kids’ imagination in. Unfortunately, this is a common approach writers are taking to picture book writing, which rarely stands out as being unique. Instead, identify the theme of your story and use a larger than life way of telling it.
134 MG X* Interesting premise, however, there’s some awkwardness with the dialogue and physical action, and puncutation. Be mindful of this because Kissy would give this the paw if he really felt like being a stickler today. Fortunately, he just ate bacon so he’s in a good mood.
135 PB X* I like the contrast and compare thing going on here, and I’m a bit curious, BUT this started out a bit confusing when I was expecting to follow the rhythm of the nursery rhyme and that didn’t happen. Rework the opening.
136 YA X Unfortunately, this felt overwritten and forced throughout. Don’t try this hard to grab the reader’s attention. Sometimes the simplest of beginnings in the most natural of places is the way to go. This start just feels a bit too melodramatic?
137 MG X* This opening also feels a bit like it’s trying too hard to impress. Simplify parts so the focus is on the details you want the reader to notice. Versus putting such great focus on every detail such that the focus becomes diffused altogether and we forget what we’re reading about.  In other words, pick your moments to show your writing prowess. The title of this work could also stand to be a lot stronger.
138 PB X Holiday picture books are tough, but can be great with the right premise and unique execution. Here the situation seemed a bit too commonplace/ everydayish. Go bigger with a picture book manuscripts, written for major trade publishers.
139 PB X Great premise, but the execution is not unique unfortunately. Think more outside of the box. We’ve seen many manuscripts with this premise and this manuscript blends in with all the others. See other notes about striving for unique exeuction when doing a common premise that has merit. Trying to avoid very every-dayish content in picture books addressing this topic. GO bigger. More imaginative and not something you might actually see in real life. 🙂 Fictioanlize it even more!
140 PB X Overall, this felt a bit too loose. While educational, it almost seemed like the educational part was sticking out more than it should. A bit forced. Also consider using more appealing characters that children might be able to relate to more. It’s hard to do picture books where the main characters are personifications.  Good topic though.
141 MG X Within the first few lines, there is a strong echo with the word “much,” which make Kissy wonder if more editing needs to be applied to this work. Make sure your opening page and your sample is fixed of things like this prior to submitting. See Revision 9-1-1, the article on basic mechanics on www.wfcat.com This will reallly help things like this from tripping up your work.
142 PB X This feels much too descriptive in style for a majotr trade picture book.  While this may be perfectly fine for a short story, in picture book manuscripts, the author needs to allow the illustrator to come up with a lot of the visual details. This also makes me wonder if this story may be longer than necessary as a PB manuscript.
143 YA X I hope others are reading this, because it seems like half of the novels Kissy has received begin with a character waking up. Or being trapped somewhere. Also, YA fantasy openings tend to be overwritten. Resist detailing every minor movement to the point that it either feels overdramatic. This also makes it difficult to understand because there is so much minutia being relayed in a short span. Circle every action or verb in these 125 words and you will see what the pooch means. This is all easily fixable, however, so do not be disheartened. Awareness is half the battle.
144 PB X There is some charm to this, but it’s hard to tell in these opening lines why this matters. Is this PB story slight? Or is there a great theme to this one? It’s not feeling like it should be taken very seriously. Perhaps, shortening your opener and getting to the point faster will help. Pick details that will later impact the story, that will hint more clearly the reasons why readers should relate to this character’s dilemma
145 PB X Could not follow what was happening and what this story is about.  The title also feels very hard to relate to … It leaves Kissy with a filling of “say what?” versus “Oh boy!”
146 PB X This is cute, but somewhat predictable and also feels older for the picture book audience, given what the main character is doing. Can  you age this down and try the same idea and make it less predictable? Think on this.
147 YA X* This feels more like MG as an opening. Also do not forget to set the room a bit more. Hard to picture.
148 PB X Unfortunately, Kissy is not into the occupation of the characters.  And for this reason alone, he gave it to the paw. We’re sorry, but do try again with a different work.
149 PB X Like the idea of this, but the execution still feels like something we might see in a typical day with a typical household. Every-dayish. Go farther to fictionalize this in every way so that this story can demand the attention required as a major trade publisher PB.
150 MG X* As an opener, it could be strenghthened quite a bit. However, the writing was clear and we got a good sense of character and setting, just wished the opening in general was more interesting. We hope the next page does it.
151 MG X* A bit circular in logic. I would clean this up and make it easier to understand so that we get a better sense of where the character is, relative to everything else. The tense is awkward.
152 PB X Unfortunately, let’s  see a less every-dayish execution of this premise. There are already entrants in this contest alone with this subject matter, with the same issue. While the song is cute, you must find ways to really go outside the box and make this subject feel unique. Fictionalize this even more into something we might not see everyday.
153 PB X* This is clever, but also somewhat hard to picture how the art would be done. At the same time, we are going to read on and see if the story holds up. Personification is also a tough sell so this makes us wonder if there is a better way to approach the same concept.
154 MG X
155 PB X* This topic seems narrow. Would encourage you to take this idea further though.  Really, this should just get the paw for such a narrow topic. But there’s promise here in the writing so let’s find out what happens anyway.
156 PB X Like how true to life this is, however, it’s not feeling like a big picture book story. For this reason, because it feels so every-dayish/slice of life, it’s getting the paw. However, you might want to consider tackling chapter books or longer works because the style and content here is very promising if you had a character who was just right for those formats.  If you want to stay with this topic, find a bigger, more fictionalized way to execute the idea.
157 MG X
158 PB X Some of the dialogue doesn’t quite follow what was said before. It’s hard to understand what is meant by some of the lines and why it matters. Overall the concept  feels too loose, and I wondered if there was a way to get this to jive a bit better.
159 PB X The storyline feels slight overall. Why does this matter? Is there enough here in the end to carry a picture book? That has to be pretty evident from the first half-page.
160 PB X* Some version of this could really work, but we are hoping there’s a strong story arc to this. It’s unclear who the character really is and from what point they began. Setup the story a bit better.
161 MG X* The opening feels a bit forced. How it jumps from one thing to the next, and ultimately lands on the main character’s genetic condition. A bit odd. I’d rework this opening.
162 PB X See previous comments about other manuscripts that address the topic of imagination. This, like the others, all sound like each other. Can you find a more unique way to go about the idea so that the imagination in itself stands alone as a story?
163 CB X This sounds more like straight-up MG though.
164 PB X* To what extent has this been fictionalized? It seems like it might be taking too many liberties as creative nonfiction. However the topic is awesome, if you have actual facts that back up what is happening specifically in the story. If not, consider writing a story about this topic that doesn’t take as many liberties.
165 PB X This story just doesn’t stand out as well as it could. It lacks spark as an opening. The writing and the storyline feels somewhat predictable. See if you can compare this opening to commercially successful picture books featuring animals as main characters – can you detect a difference in energy, intrigue, suspense?
166 YA X* This is somewhat overwritten, but still understandable. Phew. Watch for awkward sentences that read unnaturally. Sometimes just being clear, versus “elusive” for effect, is better as an opener.
167 PB X* Cute idea for this character, but we want to know why this matters? What’s at stake for this little guy if he doesn’t conform? Also try to shorten this more, it sometimes reads a bit digressive for a PB.
168 PB X* There’s a certain charm to this, but we are left wondering, why does this matter? Why should the reader care and want to know what happens? Kissy hopes this story has some real meat (bacon) to it.
169 PB X Premise feels unimportant. Can this story carry a picture book? What’s at stake? Why does this matter to the reader, parents, teachers, and librarians? If that’s not clear up front, it will come off as a nice story, but you gotta grab that editor’s attention if they are going to invest thousands and thousands into your book.
170 PB X While this is fun, see 169.
171 PB X* This is a bit odd and fun, so we’ll see what happens next. Watch the stanzas that don’t completely rhyme though.
172 PB X* Watch how easy, or not so easy, some of this is to understand for a five year old kindergartner. You might also want to hint at what is to come in these opening lines so we understand what’s at stake for the story.
173 MG X* Some attention is being paid to details that don’t matter. So make every word count. Also watch for repetitive actions is a short span. Minor
174 PB X This is super-cute. I hope the theme of this story gets executed well. Because this is a good example of being inventive with a common premise.
175 PB X This story feels very every-dayish for a PB manuscript. What is the theme of this story? Can you fictionalize this more? What’s at stake? What’s important here that will make a reader, parent, librarian, and/or teacher feel like THIS book is something they will pay $17 for.  This is what you need to convince the agent and editor of.
176 PB X Unfortunately, this sounds like a lot of other manuscripts, even though it may not be. Your opening lines must establish that this story is truly unique, even if the premise is not.
177 PB X* What is the rhyme and reason to how this story is laid out? It feels a bit random, the order of things. We hope this has some sort of narrative to it. Let’s see where this goes.
178 PB X Unfortunately, the every-dayish, true-to-life telling does not help make this manuscript seem unique. A common premise with a fairly common opening. How can you make this story feel larger than life, versus like real life? PB manuscripts demand inventive stories that you won’t find everyday.
179 PB X This, too, feels much more short-story-like than picture book like. In other words, if you can conceive of seeing this on an ordinary day in the park yourself, chances are your story won’t stand out. Your opening needs to feel larger than life, versus like real life.
180 PB X* Gotta be careful with this premise since it’s been spun off before. I’d like to see where this goes. Is it different enough? Are we bringing anything truly unique to the table here with an old tale?
181 PB X Unfortunately, this one seems to be taking the long route to get to the heart of the story. What’s at stake, why does it matter to your audience? Right now, it’s just not pulling the pooch in.


182 PB X This is cute, and I think you could do something with this. But as it stands, it just reads a bit flat and wordy. Can you make this opening more exciting? Either in style or in content. It needs to grab this pooch’s attention.Woof!
183 MG X* Slow down and set the characters a bit better.
184 PB X Couldn’t follow what was happening in the text. Seems very loosely plotted and random? What is this book about? Is the story beefy enough? Or slight? Can’t tell.
185 PB X This could be something pretty neat but then it gets sidetracked a little and I wonder if you could make the educational angle more pronounced while still being an inventive narrative. Concept stories like this one still need a plot to me.  Look at Rhyming Dust Bunnies as an example of a concept book that has a story arc but does a great job of educating at the same time.
186 PB X This was a bit too graphic for Kissy’s taste and as a picture book, it may be a bit challenging to illustrate without going over the line for this pooch.
187 MG X
188 PB X
189 PB X The rhyme didn’t scan well enough for this pup.
190 PB X
191 YA X* This opening is a bit awkward. Forced details in here, and some weak logic in the writing. Easily fixable but keep an eye out for jackhammering in details that don’t fit the context of the forward narrative.
192 PB X Too difficult to picture what might be in page turn with the text. Interesting idea, but flesh this out more. And see if you can make it sound less “dark.”
193 PB X Another manuscript that reads more like a short story than a PB text. See Revision 9-1-1 for Picture books on www.wfcat.cpm
194 PB X Another manuscript featuring imagination but still more true to life than a fiction picture book would be. See other comments about this.
195 PB X Not sure what to make of this, it feels a bit flat overall, like reporterly versus creative nonfiction. I would work on stylizing this a bit more? And see if you can rework the opening so that it doesn’t feel like a rundown from birth to death?
196 PB X
197 PB X* Not sure where this is headed, but let’s see if it’s got some meat to it.
198 PB X The pooch is missing the point of this one. It feels very loose and a bit random, given the main characters.
199 PB X This, too, feels, a bit loose. Random elements all put together. Gotta make the manuscript feel tighter/more cohesive. And watch out for every-day like openings.
200 PB X It’s uncanny how similar this story is to another that the pup just gnawed on. Once more, this premise is very common. This execution is very common. Gotta think outside of the box and stay away from writing PB manuscripts that sound too much like something that could actually happen.  Also writing about someone’s imagination is not as imaginative as writing something that sounds completely imagined. There’s a difference. Food for thought.
201 CB X* I’m going to put this in the CB category, it reads too old as a standard PB, but fits the CB audience age well, even if it’s completely graphic.
202 PB X This started out nicely but quickly became something that sounded just ordinary. And even slight, given what it is that he wants.
203 PB X* Rhyming this text helps make this premise a bit more imaginative in execution, however, let’s see if this truly turns out to be something larger than life.
204 MG X* Very odd, but we’ll see what happens next. Try to establish more about your MC so we can picture him better.
205 PB X Watch for the errant capitalization. And if this PB is what I think it’s about, this is usually not a topic for major trade publishers, in the PB category. This text feels more matureand might be better aimed for an older audience.

27 thoughts on “RLGL: Round 2 COMPLETE, Round 3 deadline Wed. Mar. 12, 8pm CST

  1. Oops!

    I may have misread the Round 1 complete post, where it said Round 2 was open until March 9th. So I sent in my round 2 email before this ‘official opening of Round 2″ post. Hope that doesn’t mess up Kissy’s super record keeping.

    Do I need to resend?

    Offers cyber bacon apology.

    1. No, anything sent after the Round 1 deadline and before the Round 2 deadline will be in Round 2. But it must have been sent to the sub address, not to my personal account. Kissy does not read my email.

  2. oops i think i was too late for round 2 sent at 8.00pm Western Australian time. oh well next time. will have it ready.

  3. Kissy is doing such a great job! I really like reading all his comments – very informative even when I don’t know what all the stories are about. What a wise pooch Kissy is. Good dog, Kissy!

  4. You’re doing an incredible job, Kissy! I’m leaning a lot by reading your insightful comments! Here’s another belly rub and big plate of bacon.

  5. You’re doing an incredible job, Kissy! I’m learning a lot from your insightful comments! Here’s a belly rub and a big bowl of bacon for you.

  6. Kissy! That IS a lot of work for round 2! Here…. take this cheese and bacon filled bone- my dog used to love them. Rest your eyes, and your paws, and then curl up for a little nap. You deserve it!

  7. Hey Kissy! You’re doing such an incredible job and I’m sending belly rubs and biscuits! Thank you for all your efforts (I cannot believe the number of entries you’re reading!!). I wanted to tell you I’m finding ALL the comments helpful, because even without reading the text for other entries it’s good to be reminded to write with clarity, watch circular logic, and, my personal favorite, beware of jackhammering details into our openings.


  8. Wow Kissy! That is a lot of entries for round 2! Take a break, and enjoy this cyber bone filled with bacon and cheese. Yum! Rest your eyes and paws and enjoy!

  9. Hi Kissy! Thank you so much for all your work, you’re doing an amazing job! I’m just writing because I never received a number for round 2!

    1. Verify you sent it in before the Round 2 deadline in CST to the correct sub address with the correct headline in the subject of the email. If you did, forward your email to cynthealiu AT gmail DOT com and explain the situation. Woof!

  10. Kissy, you’re such a good puppy dog! Here’s a giant everlasting belly rub for all your hard work, and a pound of bacon for being so helpful!!

    1. Verify you sent it in before the Round 2 deadline in CST to the correct sub address with the correct headline in the subject of the email. If you did, forward your email to cynthealiu AT gmail DOT com and explain the situation. Woof!

  11. Congrats to the PB free-tique winners! Thank you Kissy and Cynthea for all your hard work in the first two rounds, continued hard work in the coming rounds, and patience.

  12. I’m sending cyber chocolate for Cynthea and bacon flavored bones for Kissy. Thank you both so much for doing this–I can’t even imagine how much time you’ve spent on it already.

    I looked ahead to the 4th round sub and think it would be confusing to stop mid paragraph. If I get another green light, would it be better to send in 238 words? Otherwise, including the paragraph would hike it up to 285 words, and I’m worried that it’ll be confusing if I only include the first sentence in this sub and the rest in the next one.

  13. Good Morning Kissy & Cynthea! My submission was sent on Tuesday, March 11 at approx 4:00pm EST. I have not yet received an entry number for Round 3 of RLGL. I realize you have many entrants to sort through, so if I’m expecting a reply too soon, please excuse my excitement.
    On a side note, big high-paw (or five) to you both for raising awareness and funds to help shelter animals find loving fur-ever homes!

  14. Hello Kissy and Cynthea! My submission for round three was sent on Tuesday, March 11 and I have not received a entry number. I realize you have many entries to sort through, so please excuse my excitement if I have inquired too soon. Thank you and please let me know if I need to resend.

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