Free-tique round is open: NAME MY BOOK!


Hi everyone,

I need a new title for my book ASAP, and I’m bad at titling. So to drum up as many ideas as possible, I am offering a Free-tique if your title is used. Heck, I’ll even give away half-page tiques to any title that I send on to my editor….Of course, if you don’t need a tique and want to participate anyway, PLEASE DO SO! Or hey, maybe you need something to blog about—link to this post!

The book is for a series – all books feature a girl who travels abroad to participate in a educational program. She usually gets the hot guy, passes the final project or exam with flying colors, and comes back improved in some way on a personal level…That’s the gist of the series.

My book is about an adopted Chinese girl named Cece living in the US. She applies to an anthropology program in China (supposedly to get an up for her college applications, but in reality, she wants to go there to learn more about her birth parents). In the end, through her search for her natural parents, she gains a better sense of self. Something like that. (BTW, I’m also bad at summarization, can you tell?)

Now here’s where it gets tricky. The title should fit in with other books in the series that are already out.
1) It should be a play-on-words of an idiom or common phrase that’s instantly recognizable
2) The title should bring the country to mind
3) Ideally, the title should speak to the character or plot in some way. I’ll even change the character’s name if that helps.

You can see the titles of other books in the series here for your reference.

These are the rules.

1) This special free-tique round ENDS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, at 4PM (CST).
2) You can submit AS MANY TITLES AS YOU WANT. Good, bad, I don’t care. We need ideas. And we need ideas in a hurry.
3) YOU MUST title your email: NAME MY BOOK: AND PUT YOUR TITLE HERE. Example: NAME MY BOOK: EGG DROP SNOOP. You can leave the body of your email blank.
4) ONE title per email. This will help with tracking.
5) You may ask me questions about the book if that will help with your brainstorming process. Title that email. QUESTION: FOLLOWED BY A SHORT DESCRIPTION OF YOUR QUESTION. Please put the question in the body of your email.
6) Please send your emails to SNOOP AT CYNTHEALIU DOT COM. The little guy is back in full effect!
7) Results will be announced sometime in the evening on Tuesday.

More details that might help you:

The main character studies four subjects in China – Evolution, Language, Culture, and Archeology.

She visits these sites:

Great Wall of China – the part near Beijing
Forbidden City – the original title of the book, actually
The Big Wild Goose Pagoda – in Xi’an
Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses – Outside Xi’an
The Bell Tower in Xi’an
The City Walls in Xi’an

Thanks in advance!