Five vet visits, thirty-six dumplings, and a 20-hour plane trip later…


Look, guys, I’m back. Just wanted to say…five vet visits, thirty-six dumplings, and a 20-hour plane trip later, things are finally under control.

  1. Snoop may have a bacterial infection of sorts but the good news is, it doesn’t look like he’ll be a reliving the movie ALIEN. (Initially, the vets thought he might have cuterebra. Google the word and prepared to be horrified.) Right now, he has to wear a lampshade on his head… Snoop Collar 2 and I have to give him sponge baths. He says thanks to everyone who sent good vibes. Clearly, it worked. SNOOP WILL LIVE. YES!!!!!
  2. I myself have just returned from a wedding in Xi’an, China. I survived a whole eleven days with my family. No one went on strike. Yay!
  3. My plane back from China was seriously delayed. The good news? It didn’t crash. Whoopee!
  4. Season Five of 24 is out on DVD. Yee-haw!
  5. Other things I’ve mentioned before that were downright devastating are now looking up. I’m optimistic.


I have one big thing to do before the holidays and I’ve finished outstanding free-tiques given to me. If you didn’t receive yours, please let me know. There may be a couple of small free-tique rounds before Christmas. So stay tuned….


Can you scratch here? No, here. No, try right there. Higher! Lower! Higher!


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