firedrill results: congratulations!

Here it is folk, the results…

BUT FIRST, let me say (for Snoop), that this was a very hard decision to make. Snoop saw the time and care that went into each of these scenes. And Snoop wants to remind you: everything is subjective. What Snoop may be drawn to may not be the very best writing OR the very best story. But he might be attracted to a little something-something he sees in that scene that makes him want to work with it again.  So with that in mind, Snoop will name three winners of the FIREDRILL. But Snoop wants to say, other works could have won had the mood struck. No one should feel bad about not being listed here. GOT ME?! 

And now Snoop will list the winners and why he chose these works, without giving anything away. 

#1 – Your manuscript has been chosen because of the deft handling of difficult subject matter; the writing demanded Snoop's attention.

#2 – Your story was chosen because there's something here that feels so real, it has to be said. While the writing has room to be strengthened, Snoop really wants to help shine this one up.  Also Snoop doesn't see a lot of stories told from this perspective and that made it even more special. 

#10 -Your ms was chosen because of the skill involved in the telling of such a frightening moment. Snoop was transported to that place in time. And usually Snoop doesn't like this kind of stuff so you surprised a bunny today. Good work!

#1, #2, #10, if you want to out yourself and jump for joy, that is your call. Please comment and let others celebrate with you!

Other entrants may ask Why? Why? Why?, but they must give Snoop time to return a response. Because Snoop is writing all of Cynthea's work, he's a very busy bunny. So thanks in advance for your patience.


Cynthea (and Snoop) 





3 thoughts on “firedrill results: congratulations!

  1. I was confused by the response. You picked three and gave comments, but there is a reference to the rest of us waiting for a response. Does that mean there will be a response? Or are you done with the fire drill? Thank you for doing these.

  2. Hi Lee, this means that if you want a response to your work, you may email Snoop and ask for one. Fire Drill is done. The three entries listed are the winners. Hope that helps.

  3. Wow–I just discovered today that I was one of your winners. (I must have not been checking my friends posts when this came out.) Thanks for your reading and thoughtful comments. Yippee! Now let’s hope that there is at least one agent out there who likes it, too.

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