RLGL Round 5 Results Complete, New Racers must enter by June 1

Snoop says, RED LIGHT! Round 5 Results are complete.

RACERS: This is your last chance to enter. After Round 6 closes, Snoop will NOT be issuing new entry #s.  You have until June 1st, 11:59PM CST.  After that, only existing entries will be able to play.

Read this post for full details on how to enter.

If there is an asterisk by your X, it means Snoop is just waiting to chomp on your manuscript. Tighten your pages!

BTW, many of you saved yourselves from elimination in this round.  Snoop was impressed by how quickly some of your entries turned themselves around.  Good work!

Number Type Send in next 250 words Back to start – Rd5
1 YA X
6 YA X
8 YA X
9 YA X
10 MG
12 MG X
18 YA
23 MG X
27 MG X*
29 YA
31 YA X
32 PB
33 PB
40 CB X*
42 MG X*
44 MG X
47 MG X
52 MG X*
55 PB
57 MG X
59 MG X*
61 MG
67 MG X
70 MG X
72 MG
85 MG X*
87 MG X*
88 MG X
91 MG X*
95 YA
97 CB X
98 YA X*
99 MG X
102 MG X*
106 PB
111 MG
116 YA X
125 PB
127 CB X*
128 YA X*
129 YA X*
130 MG X
134 YA
135 MG X*
139 YA X
140 YA
143 MG X
144 YA X
146 CB X
148 YA X
149 YA X*
153 MG X
154 MG X*
157 PB
158 MG X*
159 YA X*
161 YA
162 PB X
166 MG
167 MG X*
171 PB X
172 YA
173 PB X*
174 PB X*
175 PB X*
176 MG X*
177 YA X
178 PB X*
179 PB X*
180 MG X
181 YA X

SNOOP SAYS, Green light! Deadline for Round 6: June 1st, 11:59PM CST.

If you do not see your number posted here or did not receive a number, this means …
1) Your submission did not make the deadline for that round. It will be rolled into the next.
2) Our reply with your number landed in your spam box. (Please check your spam box before asking about your number, thanks!)
3) Your submission landed in Snoop’s spam box or we somehow missed your entry. If you believe this is the case, simply re-forward your submission and explain the situation. If you believe we are not getting your emails at all, feel free to leave a comment on this post, and we will definitely get your message off the site.

Thanks and good luck in the next round!

9 thoughts on “RLGL Round 5 Results Complete, New Racers must enter by June 1

  1. What happens if we’re at the end of the chapter, and the next page only has about 100 words? Do we send in part of the next chapter as well?

  2. Hi,

    I sent in a submission on May 22 and never did receive a number for it. I checked my spam and there’s nothing there. Could you check Snoop’s spam?



  3. Hi,
    I entered yesterday morning and just want to be sure you got it since the contest closes today. So far, I haven’t received a number. Since this was a holiday weekend and there may be a lot of last-minute entries, I sure do understand if you haven’t gotten around to all of them. I’m awed and amazed that you do this!


  4. Hi. Please disregard my last comment here. The entry email was returned to my inbox and I’ve resent it. Hopefully, it goes through this time. Again, thanks so much for the contest.

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